відкрити дужки і поставити прикметники у comparative or superlative form

This flower is ______________(beautiful) than that one.This is the ______________(interesting) book I have ever read.Non-smokers usually live______________(long) than smokers.Which is the______________ (dangerous) animal in the world?A holiday by the sea is ______________(good) than a holiday in the mountains.It is strange but often a coke is______________ (expensive) than a beer.Who is the ______________(rich) woman on earth?The weather this summer is even______________ (bad) than last summer.He was the______________ (clever) thief of all.Dad's car is much ______________ (fast) than mine. I think scuba diving is______________ (fascinating) than climbing
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Ответ дал: beerdetective

1. More beautiful

2. most interesting

3. longer

4. most dangerous

5. better

6. more expensive

5. richest

6. worse

7. most clever

8. faster

9. more fascinating

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