1. Mary is.........(beautiful) girl in Italy
2. Who is...........(kind) pupil in your class?
3. Chinese is ..........(hard) language in the world
4. This lesson is.................... (difficult)
5. Summer is.........(hot) season of the year
6. My sister is............(careful) person at home
7. My brother is.............(intelligent) one at home
8. She is...........(fat) person I know
9. Snails ............(slow) animal
10.Dogs are............(good) animals
for me
11. Mrs. Smith is......(bad) teacher in our school
12. He is...........(tall) in his family
13. I'm the...............(good) player in team my
14. This is.............(comfortable) sofa in the shop
15.He is...........(young) pupil in
my class
16. My friend is...............(funny) girl in the world
17. Spaghetti is................ (delicious) dish
18. He is..............(strong man in
the world
19. My daughter is.......... (good) friend for me.
20. Swimming is............(bad) pastime


Ответ дал: Fnew


1. the most beautiful

2. the kindest.

3. the hardest.

4. the most difficult.

5. the hottest.

6. the most careful.

7. the most intelligent.

8. fattest.

9. the slowest.

10. the best.

11. the worst

12. tallest

13. the best.

14. the most comfortable

15. the youngest

16. the funniest

17. the most delicious

18. strongest.

19. the best

20. the worst

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