1. Виправте граматичні помилки:

1) Let's meet in five o'clock.
2) They have dinner now.
3) Do you go to the library tomorrow?
4) I didn't met my friend yesterday.
5) She has been done her household chores since morning.

2.Поставте питання до речень, починаючи словами в дужках.

1) They build a new school. (.... or.....)
2) The children are singing in the choir now. ( Who )
3) She goes to the Club once a week. ( How often )
4) He invited Ann to the cinema yesterday. ( When )
5) Mike has recently bought a new car. ( What )


Ответ дал: council1975



1) Let's meet at five o'clock.

2) They are having dinner now.

3) Are you going to go to the library tomorrow? (или Are you going to the library tomorrow?)

4) I didn't meet my friend yesterday.

5) She has been doing her household chores since morning.


1) They build a new school or a new university?

2) Who is singing in the choir now?

3)  How often does she go to the Club?

4) When did he invite Ann to the cinema?

5) What has Mike recently bought?


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