Read these sentences and choose 'don’t have to' or 'doesn’t have to'.

1. He ________ work in the evening.

doesn't have to
don't have to

2. They ______ carry the buckets.

doesn't have to
don't have to

3. They ______ cook now.

doesn’t have to
don’t have to


Ответ дал: sofiyasattarova1989


1. He ________ work in the evening.

Answer 1. doesn't have to.

2. They ______ carry the buckets.

Answer 2. don't have to.

3. They ______ cook now.

Answer 3. don’t have to.



для построения отрицательного предложения в настоящем времени с модальным глаголом 'have to' необходимо использовать следующие структуры предложения:

subject + do not (don't) have to + Verb in the 1st form (without 'to') + other parts of the sentence.

They do not (don't) have to speak English now.

Если подлежащее относитcя к третьему лицу единственного числа (he, she, it), тогда необходимо использовать следующую структуру:

subject + does not (doesn't) have to + Verb in the 1st form (without 'to') + other parts of the sentence.

He does not (doesn't) have to drive a car today.

Ответ дал: datelmasa92

1. doesnt have to

2. dont have to

3. dont have to

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