Помогите с заданиями! Текст я скинул! Даю 15 баллов



Ответ дал: 0XxMoonxX0




1. A man who thinks about himself is selfish. (Я бы сказала "only thinks about himself". Думать о себе это не нарциссизм.)

2. A person who tells lies is a liar.

3. A person who is willing to help and share work is cooperative.

4. A thing that you can communicate with is the internet. (Господи, сколько ошибок одном предложении... "with it is", отсутствие "the" перед "internet"...)

5. A person who tells the truth is honest.

6. A man who works hard is diligent.

7. A man who tries to tell jokes is (possibly) funny.

8. A person who does his (THEIR) work and study is responsible.


1. A good student is someone who is willing to learn and discover.

2. A good teacher is a person who is able to spark interest in individual people.

3. Everest is a mountain that is challenging to climb.

4. A map is a thing that helps you navigate your current location and path.

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