be a poster about a famous city. Follow the steps in the project checklist.
1 Work in small groups. Choose a famous city to write about
2 Find information on the internet about:
where the city is
what the population is
if you can add more information
3 Write a short text about your city using the information you found.
4 Find some photos of the popular tourist sights.
Make a poster with your text, map and photos.
1 Present your city to the rest of the class
. what the main language is
• some popular tourist sights​


Ответ дал: diillyaa


Seoul city. this is a rather famous city located in South Korea, a huge number of people live there, the population is more than 9.776 million people. People communicate in Korean, and most of all in English. Almost all Koreans know English. In Seoul, you can often find free buses, it is very comfortable there, there are different places that are especially for tourists who have arrived from other countries, the city is always very clean, people are very sociable, clean, there are spa complexes especially for such people. i love korea


писала всё это я сама, если есть ошибки то простите, это все про Корею.

alikhan12zh: АОАОАОАОАО ТЫ ЛУЧШАЯ!!!!!!!
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