Пожалуйста проверьте сочинение по английскому языку на тему " Мои проблемы".
 I think teenagers all over the world have the same problems. As for me, I am not happy on Sunday. Sunday is the only day where the students and the rest can go out for that would meet with friends. And on this day I do my homeworke and go to the dance. Classes begin at noon, so I do not get enought sleep. I get so angry about it! We ask a lot of homework on weekends.
o solve this problem, I need the time to do all the homework on Saturday and go to bed earlier.


Ответ дал: CloserToTheEdge
Что значит go out for that would meet? И не ask a lot of homework, а we are given a lot of homework или we have a lot of homework

tanyushkanova: Ну я хотела написать так : go out for that would meet - выйти на улицу, что бы встретиться
CloserToTheEdge: тогда будет просто go out to meet
tanyushkanova: Спасибо огромно)
CloserToTheEdge: не за что)
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