дам 20 баллов!! помогите с тестом, пожалуйста
1. James is fond of ... basketball
a) to play; b) play; c) playing; d) played
2. If Harold ... the prize, we'll celebrate the occasion
a) gets; b) got; c) get; d) will get
3. By the time he ... everything will be over
a) will return; b) returns; c) returned; d) return
4. If I decided to study a foreign language, I ... Japanese
a) will study; b) study; c) would study; d) would have studied
5. I want my hair
a) do; b) done; c) did; d) will do
6. We saw them...
a) quarreling; b) quarrels; c) were quarreling; d) how quarreling
7. They want me ... this problem
a) solve; b) solving; c) to solve; d) to be solved
8. If the gun had been loaded, the boy...
a) be wounded; b) would have been wounded; c) will be wounded; d) would be wounded
9. Jack felt somebody ... him by the sleeve
a) tugged; b) tug; c) will tug; d) has tugged
10. ... the room, she saw many strange people in it
a) having been entered; b) having entering; c) entering; d) having entered
11. ... the plane take off?
a) did you see; b) have you seen; c) saw you; d) had you seen
12. Mr Watt has been working here...
a) at that time; b) before; c) for a month now; d) since Friday​


Ответ дал: bogdanmatvienko502

Ответ:1 - c

2 - a

3 - b

4 - d

5 - b

6 - a

7 - c

8 - d

9 - a

10 - c

11 -  a

12 -  b


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