поставьте вместо скобок правильную форму слова
1) I (not to watch) a video at the weekend
2) I (never/be) to the USA
3) they (just/buy) some postcards
4) she (change) a lot since the left school
5) I (see) this film and I don't want to see it again
6) Paul (yet/never) chance food before
7) while fred (to sleep) Judy (to watch) TV
8) I (to go) to bed after I (to learn) a poem


Ответ дал: RASSPUTIN

1) I didn't watched a video at the weekend

2) I have never been to the USA

3) they have just bought some postcards

4) she has changed a lot since the left school

5) I have seen this film and I don't want to see it again

6) Paul had never eaten Chinese food before

7) while fred was sleeping Judy was watching TV

8) I had gone to bed after I was leaning a poem

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