Fill in: selection, elevator picturesque,
reduce, encourage, shape.
1 Aiman's grandma lives in a small,........village in the mountains
2 We should.........students to exercise more.
3 The local shop has an amazing.........of food and drinks.
4 Team activities can help..........young people's character.
5 You can use get to the top of the building.
6 The police started a new programme to.............crime in the neighbourhood.
СРОЧНО даю 100 баллов​

Jiliu: 2)encourage
3) selection
4) shape
5) elevator
6) reduce


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 picturesque

2 encourage

3 selection

4 shape

5 elevator

6 reduce

karkarlagi: Спасибо
slyuda1955: Пожалуйста
anuarbekovaerkezan8: правильно?
Ответ дал: sbogomaz4


1) picturesque

2) encourage

3) selection

4) shape

5) elevator

6) reduce

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