II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. Lots of people (to enter) this University every year.
3. Yesterday it (to be) very cold, but today it is much warmer.
4. "What are you looking for? You (to lose) your glasses?"
5. I think I (to get up) earlier tomorrow.
6. I (not to understand) him until he repeated his words twice.
7. You (to look through) my papers when I entered the room.
8. What you (to do) last evening?
9. They (to stay) at home all day long tomorrow.
10. By the end of this year Mr. Faith (to work) for his company for fifty years.


Ответ дал: MonolithicMax

1. Lots of people enter this University every year;

3. Yesterday it was very cold, but today it is much warmer;

4. "What are you looking for? You lost your glasses?";

5. I think I need to get up earlier tomorrow;

6. I didn't understand him until he repeated his words twice;

7. You looked through my papers when I entered the room;

8. -

9. They are going to stay at home all day long tomorrow.

10. By the end of this year Mr. Faith is going to work for his company for fifty years.

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