Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalised words.

Several small towns have played a huge role in my life. One of them is Munglinup, the place where my mother grew up. It’s a
TYPE American town. When my mum was a kid, it was a bustling town; it had a
WONDER hall, a
CROWD pub, lots of
BEAUTY houses and a cheerful school. Now, less than thirty years later, the only services that remain are the school and roadhouse.
But there are few children to go to school. Half of the houses in mum’s
NEIGHBOUR are empty. Travellers only stop for fuel. It can turn into a ghost town.


Ответ дал: SE04

1). TYPE - typical

2). WONDER - wonderful

3). CROWD - crowded (overcrowded не подойдёт из-за артикля a)

4). BEAUTY - beautiful

5). NEIGHBOUR - neighbourhood

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