3.Удосконалюємо граматичні навички. Повторюємо часові форми дієслова.
Поставте дієслова в правильній формі.
1) The tourist already (to visit) the exhibition.
2) This sightseeing tour ( to be ) very interesting last year.
3) He ( to read ) the timetable of the trains at the moment.
4) I just ( to make ) tea for my brother when Oleg ( to come ).
5) My friend always ( to bring ) a lot of souvenirs from the tour.
6) your friend ( to prefer ) to spend holidays at the seaside?


Ответ дал: sofia33528
1) The tourist has already visited the exhibition
2) This sightseeing tour was very interesting last year
3) It reads the train schedule at the moment
4) I'll make tea for my brother when Oleg comes
5) My friend always brings a lot of souvenirs from the tour
6) Does your friend prefer to spend a vacation at the sea ?
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