TASK 1. Put the verbs into the correct passive tense
1) Sam was reading the paper while his car (wash).

2) I think the invitations should (send) by registered post.

3) The statue (bury) for two thousand years before it (uncover) during an archaeological dig.

4) I believe the collection of Expressionist paintings (display) at the local art gallery for the next two weeks.

5) The Garma Festival (hold) in Australia every year and celebrates Aboriginal culture.

TASK 2. Rewrite the sentences into the passive
1) The pop star sang the song

2) The chef hasn't made dinner.

3) Mrs Gate will look after the baby.

4) Tom is using the computer.

5) Many people speak English.


Ответ дал: shvayukmary
1. was being washed
2. should be sent
3. had been buried, was uncovered
4. will be displayed
5. is held

1.The song was sung by the pop star
2. Dinner hasn't been made by the chief
3. The baby will be looked after by Mrs. Gates
4.Computer is being used by the Tom
5. English is spoken by many people
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