B. Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
A: Where’s John? B: I don’t know. I __1________________________ (not/see) him today.

A: _2_________________________ (you/ever/be) to Hawaii? B: Yes. Twice.

A: When _3_________________________ (you/get) your dog? B: Last summer.

A: How long _4_________________________ (you/study) English? B: Five years.

A: Do you know anyone who _5_________________________ (be) to Thailand? B: Yes, my sister.

A: _6_____________________ (you/see) my keys today? B: Yes. I 7 ___ (see) them this morning on the kitchen table.

A: Would you like half my sandwich? B: I __8________________________ (just/eat) lunch, so I’m not hungry. Thanks for asking though.​


Ответ дал: Lifesaver2001


1.I haven't seen him today.

2.Have you ever been to Hawaii?

3.When did you get your dog?

4.How long have you studied english?

5.Do you know anyone who has been to Thailand?

6.Have you seen my keys today?

7.I saw them this morning on the kitchen table.

8.I have just eaten lunch, so I am not hungry.


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