Exercise ІІІ. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to have: 1. I … got many medicinal books. 2. … you got some paper? 3. She … a bad headache. 4. They … laboratory works yet. 5. … she got tablets from stomachache in her bag? 6. He … a high temperature and a headache.
Exercise IV. Write these sentences in the negative and interrogative form: 1) The doctor has a lot of patients today. 2) They … a lot of tasks today. 3) She … medicinal dictionary.


Ответ дал: Lifesaver2001


1. I have got many medicinal books.

2.Have you got some paper?

3. She has a bad headache.

4. They haven't had laboratory works yet.

5. Has she got tablets from stomachache in her bag?

6. He has a high temperature and a headache.

Exercise IV. Write these sentences in the negative and interrogative form:

1) The doctor has a lot of patients today.

The doctor doesn't have a lot of patiens today.

Does the doctor have a lot of patiens today?

2) They have a lot of tasks today.

They do not have a lot of tasks today.

Do they have a lot of tasks today?

3) She has a medicinal dictionary.

She does not have a medicinal dicttionary.

Does she have a medicinal dictionary?


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