Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!​



Ответ дал: Lifesaver2001


1.Do you like...

2.Are you building...

3.Does your dad drive..

4.Are you going to do...

5.Does your brother often go...

6.Do you prefer...

7.Does your mum...

8.Is your friend painting..


1.No, I don't, I prefer a silent evening with a cup of tea and an episode of my favorite TV series.

2.No,I don't.

3.No, he doesn't.

4.Yes, I am going to visit the new museum with my family.

5.No, he does not.

6.Yes, I do.

7.Yes, she does.

8.No, he is not.He is reading a book.

ekaterinapomozova33: Спасибо)
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