Past Tenses
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect
He (to eat) all the apples which I had bought. *
He (to come) home late yesterday. *
My friend said that she (to see) this film. *
Columbus (to discover) America about 500 years ago. *
They (to watch) TV the whole evening yesterday. *
While mother (to cook), my sister was cleaning the flat. *
He had discussed the problem with a lot of people before he (to take) a decision. *
When I entered the party hall, the guests (to dance). *
Прізвище та ім'я *
She (to do) an English test when I phoned. *
They (to travel) along the coast of Africa last year. *
After the children (to have) dinner, they went for a walk. *
Mother (to bake) a delicious cake by the time we returned home. *


Ответ дал: thebestamigo


  • He ate all the apples which I had bought.
  • He came home late yesterday.
  • My friend said that she had seen this film.
  • Columbus discovered America about 500 years ago.
  • They watched TV the whole evening yesterday.
  • While mother was cooking, my sister was cleaning the flat.
  • He had discussed the problem with a lot of people before he took a decision.
  • When I entered the party hall, the guests were dancing.
  • She was doing an English test when I phoned.
  • They traveled along the coast of Africa last year.
  • After the children had dinner, they went for a walk.
  • Mother had baked a delicious cake by the time we returned home.

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