Сделайте пожалуйста сколько сможете, заранее спасибо большое .


Аноним: И как мне помочь на это. Раз ты мне дашь корону


Ответ дал: rufnat22


ex 3.

1. I don't take the dog for a walk every day

2. she doesn't buy all that food in the nearest supermarket.

3. we don't go to football matches every Sunday

4. this car doesn't cost much money

5. my friends don't work in a bank.

6. Pete doesn't get up early at weekends

ex 4.

1. do I speak good Italian?-yes you do

2. do you drive to work?- no I don't

3. do they work hard at university? -yes they do

4. Does Alan smoke?- no he doesn't

5. despots look like computer games and cartoons?- yes he does

6. the children usually eat much ice cream?- yes they do

7. do you take exams every month?-no we don't

ex 5.

1. does the shop close at 5 o'clock?

2. do they have parties every weekend?

3. does she speak good English?

4. does it rain a lot here in Spring?

5. do you drink a lot of tea?

6. do they go shopping on Saturdays? это правильно

mYnstR: Спасибо ещё раз ☺️
Ответ дал: mari0710

Задание 3.

1.don't take.

2. doesn't buy.

3. don't go.

4. doesn't cost.

5. don't work.

6. doesn't wake up.

Задание 4.

1. Do I speak good Italian? - Yes, you do.

2. Do you drive to work? - No, I don't.

3. Do they work hard at university? - Yes, they do.

4. Does Alan smoke? - No, he doesn't.

5. Does Patric like computer games and cartoons? - Yes, he does.

6. Do children usually eat much ice-cream? - Yes, they do.

7. Do you take exams every month? - No, we don't.

Задание 5.

1. Does the shop close at 5 o'clock?

2. Do they have parties every weekend?

3. Does she speak good English?

4.  Does it rain here in spring?

5. Do you drink a lot of tea?

6. Do they go shopinng on Saturdays?

mYnstR: Спасибо огромное ☺️
rufnat22: не за что ❤️❤️
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