Add question tags and short answers as in the example:


1 Ben sits at the back of the class,...doesn't he...? Yes... he does...

2 He's got dark brown hair,.....? No............ That's Bill.

3 He wears glasses, ......? Yes, ......... .

4 They talk a lot in class,......? Yes,.......... .

5 Christiana's in the same class,……………? Yes, that's right,....... .

5 Her parents are British,.....? No,.. They're Irish.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

2 He's got dark brown hair, hasn't he? No, he hasn't. That's Bill.

3 He wears glasses, doesn't he? Yes, he does.

4 They talk a lot in class, don't they? Yes, they do.

5 Christiana's in the same class, isn't she? Yes, that's right, she is.

5 Her parents are British, aren't they? No, they aren't. They're Irish.


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