Think over the next questions and write down your opinion about what you eat. 


1. Which restaurant would you choose to go to and why? 

2. Have you ever tried foreign foods like fugu for example? Describe your experience. 

3. Do you ever go on diets? 

4. Do you think diets work? 

5. Is dieting dangerous, in your opinion? 

6. Do you think that we eat better now than we did in the past? Explain your answer. 

7. Do you agree with genetically modifying the food we eat? 

8.What are the advantages of genetically modified food? What are the disadvantages? 

9. Do you think the following sayings are true? ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ , ‘Carrots help you see in the dark’


Ответ дал: baarunassafia17


  • Вот это должно быть правильным


avitaminka180: это правильно
aderbekovislam: точно правильно ?
cocoleau: тут же только 5
mycomp659: 7 кто написал
mycomp659: пж
mycomp659: ну скажите
nikitagafurov32: а правильно
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