I. Open the brackets using the verbs in appropriate tense forms.
1. Listen! The doctors (to discuss) a serious problem. They already (to discuss) some methods of treatment. They usually (to discuss) such problems at the conferences.
2. At this time tomorrow, I (to exercise) at the gym. By that time my friend (to swim) at the pool and (to join) me.
3. Last year, before we (to choose) fitness instructor, we (to take) advice from our friends. They (to visit) fitness sessions regularly, so they (to know) a lot of useful information.
4. Tom (to jog) from 5 till 6 o’clock yesterday. He (to do) it every day. During his last medical check up doctor (to find out) some heart rate problem and (to advise) him to spend more time doing outdoor activities.
5. We (to listen to) an interesting lecture on a healthy way of life at the moment. When the lecture (to be) over, we (to call) you back.
6. Recently Bred (to stop) overeating, he (to feel) better now.He (to want) to try practicing yogi. But he still (to look for) the instructor. He (to think) that by the next week, he (to find) one and (to start) his training.
7. We (to go) to the mountains next weekend. We (to stay) there from Friday to Sunday. We (to book) a hotel room by our arrival.
8. Sorry to say, but Anna (not to change) her life style yet. She (to eat) much junk food every day, (to drink) much coffee and (not to do) any exercises. She (not to lose) her weight since her last visit to a doctor. I hope, soon she (to give up) her bad habits.


Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. are discussing, have already discussed, discuss
  2. will be exercising, will have swum, will join
  3. had chosen, took, visit, know
  4. was jogging, does, found out, advised
  5. are listening, is over, will call
  6. has stopped, feels, wants, is still looking for, thinks, would have found, will start
  7. are going / will go, will be staying, will book (не уверен)
  8. has not changed, eats, drinks, does not do, has not lost, will give up / is going to give up
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