1 Преобразуйте предложения, содержащие два дополнения, из
действительного залога в страдательный. Если возможны два варианта,
покажите оба способа (письм.):
Example: she told me an interesting story.
An interesting story was told to me.
I was told an interesting story.
1 They'll show us the postcards of New Year. 2 The teacher explained
some new grammar to the pupils. 3 My father promised me a new
bicycle. 4 They gave him the chance. 5 The boss dictated a few
letters to his secretary.. 6 Our chief offered me a day-off.
7 My teacher pointed out some mistakes to me.


Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. New Year postcards were shown to us. / We were shown New Year postcards.
  2. Pupils were explained some new grammar. / Some new grammar was explained to students.
  3. I was promised a new bicycle. / A new bicycle was promised to me.
  4. He was given a chance. / A chance was given to him.
  5. A few letters were dictated to the secretary. / A secretary was dictated a few letters.
  6. I was offered a day-off. / A day-off was offered to me by our chief.
  7. I was pointed out some mistakes. / Some mistakes were pointed out to me.
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