Нужна сказка на английском языке 6 класс


Ответ дал: tanamaslova955

Little Red Riding Hood This is the story of Little Red Riding Hood. She’s got a red coat with a hood. She loves the coat. She wears it every day. She’s very happy today. It’s her birthday. Little Red Riding Hood’s father is a woodcutter. He works in the forest every day. A lot of animals live in the forest, and a wolf lives there too! Little Red Riding Hood’s mother says: "Grandmother is ill in bed. Go to her house. Take her some bread and jam. But be careful! A wolf lives in the forest!" "Yes, Mother," says Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood loves Grandmother. She is happy. She wants to see her.

Эта история о маленькой Красной Шапочке .

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