1. Fanny is (pretty) __________ girl in our group.
2. Your book is (thick) __________ than mine.
3. I’d like to get (much) __________ money.
4. (Few) __________ people have come to today’s conference.
5. This is (exciting) __________ fi lm I’ve seen lately.
6. My mother wants me to fi nd (dangerous) __________ job.
7. If you want to improve your results, you should be __________ (hardworking).
8. There was a bench in (far) __________ corner of the garden.
9. I was frustrated when my project turned out to be (bad) __________ in the class.
10. You look (happy) __________ than your cousin.
11. What is (important) _________ thing for you now?
12. Ned has bought this juice at (near) __________ shop.
13. I’ve got two brothers. My (old) __________ brother’s name is Peter.
14. Kevin goes to (old) __________ university of our city.
15. My (old) _________ sister is three years (old) __________ than me.
16. I have never seen (narrow) __________ street than this one.
17. I disapprove of your buying (expensive) __________ TV in the shop.
18. Which of your friends is (handsome) __________?
19. Never before have I felt (tired) __________.
20. You have made three mistakes again, you should be (careful) __________.


Ответ дал: lyalyallyaya


1.the prettiest

2. thicker

3. more

4. -

5. the most existing

6. the most dangerous

7. the most hardworking

8. furthest

9. the worst

10. happier

11. the most important

12. nearest

13. the oldest

14. the oldest

15. the oldest, older

16. narrower

17. the most expensive

18. the most beautiful

19. tiredest (возможно не правильно...)

20. carefully


правильный ответ .

можно лучший ответ??

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