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перепишите следующие предложения заменив местоимение I местоимением he и поставив глагол в 3-м лице единственного числа.
1 I go for a walk every evening. 
2 I play football very well.
3 I get up very early in the morning.
4 i like to read books.
5 I help mother about the house.
6 I learn a new poem.


Ответ дал: vikatish
1 He goes for a walk every evening.
2 He plays football very well.  
3 He gets up very early in the morning.
4 He likes to read books.
5 He helps mother about the house.
6 He learns a new poem.
Ответ дал: annazavaliy
1) he goes for a walk every evening
2) he plays football very well
3) he gets up very early in the morning
4) he likes to read book
5) he helps mother about the house
6) he learns a new poem
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