1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. (Past Perfect)
1 I didn’t go out last night because I
____________ (finish) all my work.
2 I ____________ (see) the film before so I
didn’t go with Tim.
3 When we arrived at the station, the train
____________ (already leave).
4 My parents came round to dinner on Saturday.
They ____________ (meet) Phil before.
5 I ____________ (plan) to go to London last
weekend but I didn’t have enough money.
6 ____________ Jane ____________ (phone)
before you left the party?
7 He ____________ (be) to prison three times by
the age of 25.
2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1 ‘I’ve been to the bank,’ said Frank.
2 ‘I really want to be a doctor,’ said Alex.
3 ‘I don’t like violent films, Chris,’ said my
4 ‘The young boy took my bag,’ said the old
5 ‘We’re watching the people in that house,’
said the police officers.
6 ‘I didn’t see the robbery,’ said the girl.
7 ‘Danny hasn’t asked me about my holiday,’
said Pete.
3 Rewrite the sentences in direct speech.
1 My boyfriend said last night that he had lost
his mobile.
2 My dad said he was too ill to go to work.
3 They said they were meeting at the café at
4.30 p.m.
4 The teacher said I was too late for the lesson.
5 Jackie said the concert hadn’t started yet.
6 The interviewer said he was looking for
someone with a lot of experience.


Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. had not finished
  2. has seen
  3. had already left
  4. had met
  5. had planned
  6. Had Jane phoned
  7. had been
  1. Franks said he had been to the bank.
  2. Alex said he really wanted to be a doctor.
  3. My friend said he didn't like violent films.
  4. The old woman said that the young boy had taken her bag.
  5. The police officers said they were watching the people in that house.
  6. The girl said she had not seen the robbery.
  7. Pete said that Danny had not asked him about his holiday.
  1. "Last night I lost my mobile," said my boyfriend.
  2. "I was too ill to go to work," said my dad.
  3. "We are meeting at the cafe at 4:30 p.m.," they said.
  4. "I am too late for the lesson," said the teacher.
  5. "The concert has not started yet," said Jackie.
  6. "I am looking for someone with a lot of experience," said the interviewer.
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