Complete a relative pronouns - who, which, whose, where
1. Alison is the girl ..........
finished her physical exercises
2. Netball is one of the sports ............
girls play in British SCARS.
3. Munich is the place ..........
the Olympic Games were held
in 1972
4. Nadia Comaneci is the girl ..........
won 3 gold medals, a silver
and a bronze in the Montreal Olympics.
5. Peter Chilvers is the man ...........
invention made windsurfing
6. Hawaii is the place ..........
surfing is the best, as the waves are
the highest
7. The dentist is the person ........
you should visit if you have
a toothache.
8. Peter O'Connor is the gymnastics teacher .........
programme is
on the radio everyday.
9. The part of your body .........
you use to smell things is your nose.
10. Stress is the disease ..........
results can be heart attacks.
mental and physical illnesses.
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Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 who 2 where 3 which 4 who 5 whose 6  where 7who 8 whose 9 which 10 whose


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