1. Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be.
1. Why ___________you so tired yesterday?
2. We must go now. It ____________very late.
3. This time last year I ___________ in England.
4. We________ tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.
5. Anton Chekhov died in 1904. He______________a famous Russian writer.
6. “Where ________ the dogs?” - “I don't know. They ____________ in the garden ten minutes ago.”
7. I called you yesterday evening but you ________________ at home. Where ______________ you?
8. The shops____________________open yesterday because it a public holiday.
9. “______you at home at 9.30?” - “No, I ______. I ______ at work.”
10. My son___________at work last week because he________________ill. He’s better now.
2. Вставьте there is(are)в правильном времени.
1.Chichester is a very old town. ________ many old buildings there.
2. Excuse me, __________ a restaurant near here?
3. How many students ________in your group?
4. _________ a football match on TV last night.
5. ________________ many people at the meeting?
6. Look! ___________ an accident. Call the ambulance!
7. ___________ 24 hoursin a day.
8. ___________somebody at the airport to meet you when you arrive tomorrow.
3. Ответьте на вопросы в Present Indefinite используя выражения в скобках.
1. What time do you go to the Institute? (generally, usually)
2. What do you do on Sunday mornings? (often)
3. What sort of radio programmes do you listen to? (usually, often, always)
4. What sort of films do you enjoy? (always)


Ответ дал: Yana8sponge


(1 задание)

1. are





6. are,are



9. are

10. is,is

правило конечно тоже есть:

are используется с you,we,they

is - he, she, it

am- I

(2 задание)

1. .Chichester is a very old town. THERE ARE many old buildings.

2. Excuse me, IS THERE a restaurant near here?

3. How many students ARE THERE in your group?

4. THERE WAS a football match on TV last night.

5.ARE THERE many people at the meeting?

6.  Look! THERE IS an accident.Call the ambulance!

7.THERE ARE 24 hours in a day

8.THERE will be somebody at the airport to meet you when you arrive tomorrow.

(3 задание)

1.  I usually go to the Institute at 8 o'clock.

2.  On Sunday mornings I often go for a walk with my friends or spend time with my family.

3.  I often listen to music programmes

4.  I nearly always enjoy detectives

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