* Choose the correct word. 1.Respect country/social rules when you greet people abroad. 2.Please sit and do/make yourself comfortable.
3.Don't use your index/thumb finger to point at people.
4.People in the Philippines move their eyes to show/point direction. 5 In Canada, maintain direct eye contact/ communication when talking to another person.
6 In the USA greet people with a firm/stiff handshake.
7. In most countries when people clench their fists it is a sign/mark of anger.
8.In Asian countries guests feel obliged/ forced to remove their shoes before entering a home.
Ребят пж помогите с домашкой ))​


Ответ дал: vivalafiesta

Ответ: 1. Country 2. Make 3. Index 4. Show 5. Contact 6. Firm 7. Sign 8. Obliged


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