Ребят СРОЧНО!!Помогите пожалуйста....нужно вставить в текст вот эти слова
happens , gets into trouble , missed , arguments, tries to do his best , out of luck , argues , worry about.

My friend James is realy nice. He........................at school and he is very good at Maths and Physics. But he is a person who always "troubles trouble".He always .................... with the teachers about his marks , and naturally it's the teachers who always win these.................... .James is often late for his classes because something always.................to him on the way to school.Once he missed his bus, the next time he feel asleep in the bus and...................his stop,then he was locked in the school cloakroom. He.................much more often than anybody else from the class,people say that he is .................. . That is why I.....................him when he is out of the classroom.


Ответ дал: Тура
1)tries to do his best
6)gets into trouble
7)out of luck
8)worry about

Тура: сегодня на уроке с учителем делали так- что всё правильно))))))))))))
yuli4ka20002000: Спасибо большое)Очень благодарна...
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