
1. Somebody has the kay and we can't open the door. a) met b) paid c) lost d) found

2. The batteries in this radio need a) changing b) changed c) to change d) be changed

3. One man from the crowd cried. The police


a) is b) be c) are d) to be 4. Tretyakov Gallery is one of the richest galleries in world. a) o, the, the b) The, the, the c) A the, the d) An the, o

5. He was asked to stay school disrupting the class. e) a) before, be b) into, for c) after, for d) in, for e) under, without

A, O, a

6. They got an and were very glad. a) invite b) inviting c) invites d) invitation e) incitement The restaurant is under the new management than under the old management.

more expensive b) expensive c) much expensive d) most expensive​


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 c 2 a 3 c 4  b 5 c  6d  7 a  


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