1 Read these sentences and write correct or incorrect .

1. Sally told me that she will bring reports the following day.

2. My mum said that she had washed the dishes the day before.

2 Read these sentences and write them in reported speech. Write full words in your answers. Don't forget about full stops at the end of the sentences.
Use 'that' in positive sentences for reported speech.

1. “ I will not answer your questions”, the actor said.

2. “What have you brought?”, she asked Tom.

3. “Don’t answer the door”, my mum said.


Ответ дал: aniyenani


1. Sally told me that she would bring reports the following day

2. вроде все правильно

номер 2

1. The actor said that he would not answer to my questions

2. She asked Tom what he had brought

3. My mum said not to answer the door

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