Помогите пожалуйста с тестом ​



Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. are
  2. do
  3. met
  4. for three years
  5. do you have a...
  6. before going
  7. didn't go on
  8. as tall as
  9. Do ...
  10. Can Simon play ... ? Либо в конце ..., can he?
  11. must be
  12. these are
  13. is more clever
  14. is never late
  15. on a business trip / for business
  16. much better
  17. mothers'
  18. have lived
  19. there in no honey left / there isn't any honey left
  20. start
  21. for shopping
  22. at it
  23. if i have time
  24. won't
  25. is painting
  26. Is there
  27. loves to / enjoys making
  28. were you
  29. reading to watching
  30. who broke
  31. for her any more
  32. is not he?
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