Помогите пожалуйста
Football........(play) all over the world.
2. Houses...........(damage) in the storm last week.
3. Presents..........(give) to all the children.
4. Credit cards...............(accept) in this store.
5. Coffee..............(grow) in Brazil.
6. A new hotel................(build) in the center of the city.
7. The winning horse was.............(ride) by a little boy.
8. The money.............(find) in the back of a car.
9. I've never.........(ask) to do anything like this before.
10. The "Moonlight Sonata"...........(compose) by Beethoven.
11. Paris...........(visit) by thousands of tourists each year.
12. This building..........(design) by a Bulgarian architect.


Ответ дал: makar30072009


1. Playing

2. Damaged

3. gives (не уверен)


5. Growing

6. Building (не уверен)

7. Riding (не уверен)

8. finds (не уверен)

9. asking

10. composed

11. visited

12. designed

Ответ дал: orzvk
1. play 2 damaged3. Gave4. Accepted4.Grow5 will be built6.ride8 was found9. Asked10 . was composed11. Is visited 12 is designed
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