Travel destinations
Read the sentences. Decide which one takes place right now, and which one is a planned action in the future.
Next week I am visiting my grandparents in Switzerland. They live in a mountain chalet 150 km above sea level.
I am meeting my friends in a ski resort next weekend. We are going to try some winter sports.
They are throwing different colours on each other. It is so interesting to see people celebrating the Happy Holi.
Где прошлое, а где будущее ​


Ответ дал: statsenkorom


1   Next week I am visiting my grandparents in Switzerland. They live in a mountain chalet 150 km above sea level. future

2   I am meeting my friends in a ski resort next weekend. We are going to try some winter sports. future

3They are throwing different colours on each other. It is so interesting to see people celebrating the Happy Holi. present  


statsenkorom: это правельно
xxxinaxxx: нет
xxxinaxxx: то есть правильно
xxxinaxxx: спасибо
KamillaCool21: это правильно
Аноним: Спасибо
akaev3804: спс
tati09kz: я не понела
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