Act out these situations.
1. Your train is due out in ten minutes and you are still queuing up at the booking office. Explain your situation to the people who want tc buy tickets for later trains and then tell the clerk what ticket you want.
2. You are sitting in the waiting room, trying to get some sleep and your neighbour is singing. You think of possible ways of making him stop.
3. They can’t find your luggage at the left luggage office and bring bags of every possible description. Describe pieces of your luggage.
4. The clerk at the inquiry office doesn’t hear what you’re saying. You don’t understand her either.
5. The air in the compartment is stuffy. Try and persuade your fellow passengers to open the window.
6. You’ve missed the train to Irkutsk. You have to take the plane although you’ve never flown before. Describe your trip.​


Ответ дал: kasubadiana00


l don't understand you hehehe

KtoTo8731: Thanks. You've been very helpful:)
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