B. Choose the correct word.
1. There's usually a fridge and a cooker in every
kitchen / dining room.
2. There's a new post office / shopping centre in
my neighbourhood. It's got restaurants, cafés
and a cinema!
3. I want to do / have a party on Saturday.
4. A: Where's Greg?
B: He's downstairs / upstairs in the basement.
5. The walls / floors in my sister's bedroom are
pink. She loves that colour!
5помогите пожалуйста​


Ответ дал: bhogfhfnd


1. kitchen

2.shoping centre

3.I want to do


5.The walls

Ответ дал: WhyDontWeLimelight

1) Kitchen

2) Shopping

3) Have

4) Наверху или внизу лестницы в беседке ? Посмотри по тексту. Но я думаю,что здесь подходит downstairs.

5) Walls

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