рецепт Макаров с вечной и беконом на английском ​


Ответ дал: psixrmx


Spaghetti Carbonara recipe


65 c - c Spagetti100 - Bekon200 ml - Slivki50 c - Parmezan1 Cheese - Egg kurinoe30 ml - Wine beloe3 c - BazilikSol and pepper to taste

cooking method :

Spaghetti boil in salted water until soft.

Bacon rinsed and coarsely chopped dried . Should get thin plate of bacon. Then lightly fry the bacon in a skillet . Then in a frying pan and add the white wine to evaporate .

Once the wine has evaporated , add the cream to the pan , Parmesan cheese and a little black pepper . Bring to thicken .

In the finished thick sauce add cooked spaghetti in advance , mix well and fry a little .

Spaghetti Carbonara on a plate . On top of spaghetti lay egg yolk (protein is not used) . Decorate with fresh green leaf fragrant basil and Parmesan cheese.


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