Fill in: wear, fit, squeeze, take, earn,
attract in the correct form.
1 Rio Fashion Week
from all over the world.
2 The winner
...... the title of Miss
3 Those jeans are really nice - they ......
you perfectly.
4 It ......
Zarina hours to decide
what to wear for Yerbolat's party last week.
5 These gloves are for cooking and you can
only .......
them once.
6 I bought these jeans five years ago and I can
only just ...
into them because
they're so small!​


Ответ дал: Fingerxxa

1. attract

2. earns

3. fit

4. take

5. wear

6. squeeze

Fingerxxa: Можно лучший?
kamtel2007: Спасибо
Вас заинтересует