Ребята, пожалуйста это срочно!!!!
Я думал что сам смогу, ошибся....
Кто сделает первым получит 15 лайк,подписку,и 5 ​


Koval123456: Ребята,а как увеличить Балли???


Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. If I had enough money, I would make a donation.
  2. If Mike was over 17, he would enter the competition.
  3. If Betty was not scared, she would try bungee jumping.
  4. If Bob had more screws, he would put the bedside table together.
  5. If Jim did not tell terrible jokes, people would not make fun of him all the time.

Koval123456: Л.У.Ч.Ш.И.Й
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