2 a) Underline the correct item.
My sister is keen in / of/ on reading encyclopeadias. She find /
finds / is finding them educational and exciting. She is a / the / -
very serious girl. Her room is / are / was full of a / the / -books.
She says books make / made / are making her forget about her
(6 points)


Ответ дал: Nablyudatel


2. a) My sister is keen in / of/ on reading encyclopeadias.

She find / finds/ is finding them educational and exciting. She is a / the / -

very serious girl. Her room is / are / was full of a / the / - books.

She says books make / made / are making her forget about her



1.  Устойчивое выражение - to be keen on

2. she + Present Simple (к основному глаголу добавляется -s или -es, если подлежащее he/she/it)

3. форма to be в Present Simple для единственного числа третьего лица - is

4. books - множественное число(they), в Present Simple берем глагол в инфинитиве без частички to

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