Передай диалог в косвенной речи Mum: Tom, wake up! Its time to go to school. Tom: I have already woken up, mum. Im washing in the bathroom. Mum: Did you do you homework yesterday? Tom: Tim helped me to do it. I think Ill get a five today. Mum: Hurry up! You mustnt be late. How many lessons do you have today? Tom: Five. Can I take the book which you are reading now? Mum: You would better read it at home in the evening. Tom: Bye-bye, Mum.


Ответ дал: asolodka


Mum told Tom to wake up, adding that it was time to go to school. Tom replied that he had already woken up and he was washing in the bathroom. Mum asked Tom if he had done his homework the day before. Tom answered that Tim had helped him to do it and he thought he would get five that day. Mum told Tom to hurry up adding that he mustn't be late. She asked Tom how mny lessons did he have that day? Tom answered five and asked if he could take the book, which mum was reading at that time? Mum answered that he would better read it at home in the evening. Tom said bye to Mum.


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