Read and TIT in the words below
- funny

great • before . and • every
• garden • in
To: Cathy
Subject: Greetings from Colorado!
Hi Cathy!
We're having a 1)
umie here in Coloradol It's warm and
sunny and we're staying with my Aunt Samantha and Uncle George. They've got a huge
swimming pool in their 2)
We go swimming every
morning 3)
breakfast. It's amazing!
Today, my aunt is taking us to the annual Summer Kids' Festival 4)
Lakewood. 5)
year the festival has a different theme, and this
year it's pirates! There are lots of games with prizes 6)
costume contest. My brothers, Doug and Clint, are wearing their pirate costumes. They
look very 7)
I'm taking my camera with me so I can show
you the photos when we get back!
See you next week.
KURUMU100баллов даю​


Ответ дал: EvgeniyaAndreevna


Hi Cathy!

We're having a 1)great  umie here in Coloradol It's warm and sunny and we're staying with my Aunt Samantha and Uncle George. They've got a huge swimming pool in their 2)garden  

We go swimming every morning 3)before breakfast. It's amazing!

Today, my aunt is taking us to the annual Summer Kids' Festival 4) in

Lakewood. 5)every year the festival has a different theme, and this

year it's pirates! There are lots of games with prizes 6)and  costume contest. My brothers, Doug and Clint, are wearing their pirate costumes. They look very 7)funny. I'm taking my camera with me so I can show you the photos when we get back!

See you next week.




Аноним: спс но 7 не написа(л, ла)
Аноним: а все увидел 7 спасибо
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