Complete the sentences with the correct form of the bold word.

1. I don't agree with my brother's _____
views. He refuses to listen to other people's opinions. (MIND)

2. Your wrist is quite ______
. I think you might have sprained it. (SWELL)

3. Andrea is taking antibiotics because she has a nasty throat _____

4. Matt was _____
relieved when he found out he'd passed his driving test. (INCREDIBLE)

5. My shoulders got sunburnt because I was wearing a ______
dress. (SLEEVE)

6. She tends to wear clothes that are practical rather than ______

7. There was a long queue at _____
because only one of the scanning machines was working. (SECURE)

8. My dad's picking me up from the airport. He said he would wait for me in _____

9. We had some shelves ______
made for the space between the cupboard and the window. (SPECIAL)

10. Living on my own felt strange to start with, but I am _____
getting used to it.( GRADUAL)


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. I don't agree with my brother's narrow-minded views views. He refuses to listen to other people's opinions. (MIND)

2. Your wrist is quite swollen. I think you might have sprained it. (SWELL)

3. Andrea is taking antibiotics because she has a nasty throat infection. (INFECT)

4. Matt was incredibly relieved when he found out he'd passed his driving test. (INCREDIBLE)

5. My shoulders got sunburnt because I was wearing a sleeveless dress. (SLEEVE)

6. She tends to wear clothes that are practical rather than fashionable. (FASHION)

7. There was a long queue at security because only one of the scanning machines was working. (SECURE)

8. My dad's picking me up from the airport. He said he would wait for me in the arrivals (area). (ARRIVE)

9. We had some shelves especially made for the space between the cupboard and the window. (SPECIAL)

10. Living on my own felt strange to start with, but I am gradually getting used to it. ( GRADUAL)

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