Order the words to make questions. Then look
at the picture and write answers.
1 what / the woman / doing / is?
2 the car / moving / is?
3 the dogs / eating / are / sandwiches?
4 the man in blue / driving / is / the car?
5 taking / who / a photo of the car / is?

С ответами! ​



Ответ дал: cucumberovich


1. What is the woman doing?

- She is sleeping.

2. Is the car moving?

- Yes, it is.

3. Are the dogs eating sandwiches?

- No, they aren't.

4. Is the man in blue driving the car?

- No, he isn't.

5. Who is taking a photo of the car?

- The boy in red is taking a photo of the car.


Аноним: Спасибо
cucumberovich: пожалуйста!
Аноним: Ок
nurhanchik150708: спасибо
dimapsenicnikov174: раха
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