(закончите предложения ) At school I always wear my special suit – my ___. I change my school clothes for ___ when I get home. When I go in for sports I wear my track suit and _____. When I go to the theatre or to my friend’s party I put on my _____. In winter when it’s cold we put on warm clothes: ___. When the weather is cool I wear my ___. In hot summer I prefer wearing my ____. When it’s raining I wear a ___with a hood, and ____.


Ответ дал: yutina

At school I always wear my special suit – my school uniform. I change my school clothes for a T-shirt and jeans when I get home. When I go in for sports I wear my track suit and trainers. When I go to the theatre or to my friend’s party I put on my suit. In winter when it’s cold we put on warm clothes: gloves, sweater, scarf, hat, warm pants. When the weather is cool I wear my jacket, sweater and jeans. In hot summer I prefer wearing my shorts and a T-shirt. When it’s raining I wear a jacket with a hood, and boots.

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