Пожалуйста, подскажите как правильно! Очень срочно.

Read the dialogue and find four mistakes (an unnecessary word, a word missing or an incorrect word). Circle the mistakes and write the corrections. There are no mistakes in two of the lights.

Joe: this summer I'll travel around the Europe by train - Mum just bought me a ticket.
Ben: Wow. You’re lucky. Probably I’ll just stay in this country. 2__________________
Joe: Are you going see your grandma this summer like you usually do? 3__________________
Ben: Definitely. But I’m going to have extra maths lessons too – that’s my worst subject. 4__________________
Joe: If I don’t pass my exams, I have to study this summer too. 5__________________
Ben: Oh well, good luck. I hope you pass because it’s going to be a great summer! 6__________________​


Ответ дал: marinakuznetsova3089


1. Mum HAS just bought

2. не знаю

3. Are you going TO see

4. не знаю

5. I WILL have to

6. I hope you WILL pass

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