C. Complete with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. We've only got one computer and it
(use) by six people at the office.
I think we need some more.
2. Diana lost her dog last week. Luckily, it
(find) by a boy in the park yesterday.
3. Thousands of songs
(download) from the Internet every day.
4. The building
(design) by a famous architect 50 years ago.
5. Some problems
(discuss) at yesterday's meeting.
6. Karen is a great dancer. Every year she
give) an award for her performance.
7. Justin Timberlake's songs
(sing) by lots of teenagers around the world.
8. We
(pay) last week and now we've got enough money.



Ответ дал: annerci


  1. is used
  2. was found
  3. are downloaded
  4. was designed
  5. were discussed
  6. is given
  7. are sung
  8. were paid


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