present simple 
complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets 
I (1) .........(have) two brothers , Simon and Chris . They (2) ......... (live) in London .Simon (3).......(be) a pilot and Chris ........(work) in a garage . Simon (5) .......(like) flying , bur Chris (6) ....... ......... (not like) mending cars . At weekends I (7) ......... (go) to London and i (8) ........ (stay) with them . We (9) ........(go) to the theatre or to the cinema on Saturday evening , and on Sunday we (10) ...... (walk) in Hyde Park


Ответ дал: Anna2400
1) have
2) live
3) is
4) works
5) likes
6) doesn't like
7) go
8) stay
9) go
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